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female with scarf on head.
2021 Ren Faire Relief
jousters in armor.
Food vender leaning out of a window looking wistful.

Please Support these artists

  In 2020 the Covid-19 virus has forced many Renaissance festivals to close entirely or shorten their seasons. The vendors and entertainers make their living working at festivals. They have now lost their income from those events. If there's no show, the entertainers don't get paid.
Some faires are opening in 2021, many are not. The Faires that are open may have attendence restrictions. Acts and vendors may not be able to do shows, so I will continue to keep this page active.

How can you Help?
1. By buying from them NOW. This page will contain a list of their online shops. Please buy some of their wares or place a tip in their online hat pass.
2. Once the faires open back up, be sure to tip extra or purchase more items than you usually do.

Thank you.


A list of festivals that are closed for 2021via Mystorical
Faire Relief Facebook Group
If you miss faire and want to talk to other Rennies join the Renaissance Festival Forums.
There are also virtual faires and streaming performing online. Check your Festival and entertainers sites and facebooks pages.
Digital Ren Faire Facebook page
WWW.Ren Faire Facebook page

Online Shops and Tip Jars

A - D

Aradani Studios Aradani
As you wish Creations
A Temptation of Faeries A Temptation of Faeries | Ko-Fi
Avalon Leatherworks
Axel the Sot | Paypal | Axel's Facebook Page
Badger Blades Badger Blades
Braided Image Store
Buckle and Swash Paypal | Facebook
Capt Red Swash Rogers Tom Zadoyko Patreon
Captain John Stout Porter and Stout | CD Store | Etsy | Patreon |
Celtic Mayhem Pateron
Celeticopia Cd store
Coppersmith studio facebook
Craig of Farrington, Minstrel Paypal at CBMINSTREL | YouTube
Creations on Glass Creations in Glass
Crow Nouveau
Cu Dubh | Bandcamp | Paypal
David Macejka
Donegal Doggs | Facebook

E - H

Ed Beard Jr Ed Beard Jr
Empty Hats Empty Hats
Enchanted Forest soaps
Fawnridge Arts (historic games) online store
Fugli Fugli | paypal
Gilded Treaasures (handmade soaps) Online shop | Facebook
Griffin Works Leather
Harper and Minstrel Venmo | Paypal | CdBaby iTunes

I - K

Isaac Fawlkes: Paypal
Ik the Troll Facebook | Patreon | Paypal | YouTube | Twitch
Jesse Linder CDs on Facebook | Paypal Instagram
Jim Hancock
Venmo | Paypal
King Of Crowns shop

L - P

Leather Lair shop
M Sotherden Art glass shop
Master Artisan guitar picks Etsy shop
Menagerie Music
Music the Gathering
New Minstrel Revue Facebook | Venmo | Paypal
Paolo Garbanzo Paypal | Venmo | Twitch

Q - V

Randal Piper PayPal | Venmo
Quilly Caricatures
Ren Shirts
Sapone di Giacomo (soap)
The Secret Commonwealth | bandcamp
The Shadowed Stranger
So Co Swings
Son Of Sandlar
Timeless Manufacturing
Tomas The Lapidary
Vixen Engarde

W - Z

Washing Well Wenches PayPal | Venmo
Where the Gods Live Drinking Horns
The Whimsical Witch | Etsy
White Pavilion
Wood, Willow, & Whatknots

Streaming Festival Schedule

 blank. Several performers are streaming shows so you can enjoy festival entertainment at home. Check your Festival and entertainer's sites and facebook pages for more. Please watch and support them. If you miss them live, many shows are posted so you can watch anytime.

Ik the Troll king

2021 Weekly Events
Ik the Troll The Lady Victoria Wolgemut

2021 Limited Engagements

Captain John Stout
Chaste Treasure Digital Ren Faire Koroneburg Renaissance Festival Nat 21 Adventure
  • May 27th 10pm EDT
  • Gothic Horror Gaming: Nat 21 Adventures D&D live stream
  • Twitch
RCEAF, the Renaissance Catastrophic Emergency Assistance Foundation
  • May 29th 12pm EDT- May 30th 12:00PM
  • Wicked Eye Gaming, 24-hour charity gaming stream
  • Twitch
  • Donate here

wicker Tip Jar with sign that reads phil the basket. Phil is spelled P H I L like the man's name.


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