Faerie Escape Atlanta

Name: Faerie Escape Atlanta
Location: Atlanta, GA
Directions: Doubletree NW 2055 South Park Place
Date: June 15-17 2012
Site: FAE Escape
Social Networking: Face book
Crowd Funding Indiegogo
Theme: Faerie-themed convention
Admission: $44
Advance ticket: $39
Yrs Running: 2
IK king of Trolls
Faerie Escape: Join us for two days of conversation, creation and celebration as we explore the fairy tales of old and the fae of today. FaEAtlanta brings together an expo hall of all that is beautiful in faedom; sessions by leading scholars on mythology and fairy tales; workshops on costuming, faerie houses, and faerie seership; and parties for fae from the wild and from the urban jungle.
Gateway Performance productions

Charles Vess
Ari Beck
IK the troll
Bill Bridges
John Bridges
Candace Apple
Honora Foah
Andrew Greenberg
Rene Newsome
Blake Sorenson
Courtney Perry
Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman.

Lisa Stock

The Mythic Imagination Institute

Faire Feature: