Middle Tennessee 2010 Flood
Help support the Middle Tennessee area as it recovers from the 2010 flood.

Due to the massive flooding, The Tennessee Renaissance Festival was closed May 1-3.

The festival patrons donated 1,625 pounds of non-perishable food to Second Harvest.
Please visit the festival to help the Middle Tennessee area as we rebuild. If you can, travel to the festival and patronize the surrounding communities

The vendors and acts were rained out the entire first weekend inculding the school day. Rain also kept the gates closed on May 16. The campground where many stay was flooded. For many of them the festival circuit is their livelihood. Please remember that when visiting the festival and deciding to make a purchase or tip an act. They will appreciate it.

Where to Donate

The Community Foundation
Working 4 You: Flood Relief w Vince Gill & Friends
Second Harvest Nashville
Nashville Rising
June 22 will benefit the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, which provides philanthropic services that enhance the Middle Tennessee area.

News about the Flood

We are Nashville
via Section 303 by Patten Fuqua
How Can I Help?
A working post of donation and volunteer opportunities. to help the area recover.
Flood Resource Guide
A List of where to get and give help
South Cheatham
A Commuinty ran blog on recovery of some of the small towns that flooded.

News story about the festival and a vendor whose belonging were washed away. WKRN