In Covington Glen the year is 1536. Covington Glen's taxes
have not reached the royal coffers for the past three years. The daring Purple Pumpernickel
has been stealing the taxes. King Henry VIII and George Silver have come to apprehend the highwayman.
Axel the Sot - Musical/Comedy Act
Birds of the Gauntlet - Birds of prey show
Celestial Circus - Learn about the solar system
Danger Slash - Unicycle Comedy
The Freelancers - full Armored Jousters
Isaac Fawlkes - Magic and Comedy
Jimmy Blaze- Fire walker
Labyrinth - Gypsy music
Lady Ettie- Mistress of all things "Pauper"
Lady Ophelia - Dance mistress
Minstrels of Mayhem- Musical/Comedy Act
Naughty Nymphs - Musical/Comedy Act
New Castle Players - Living Chess Match
New Castle Players - Populace of Covington Glenn
New Castle Players - the Purple Pumpernickel
The Roses - 16th century instrumentals
To the Hilt - Comedy Sword fighting Duo