2013 Tennessee Renaissance Festival

People of Covington Glenn
rowan and the rose

moss covered roof

Axel the Sot - Musical/Comedy Act
Buckle and Swash Show - Pirate sword show
The Da Vinci Brothers Comedy Operas
Empty Hats - Celtic music
Fairies of Covington Glen
The Freelancers - full Armored Jousters
Isaac Fawlkes - Magic and Comedy
Giacomo's Ballads

Lady Ettie- Mistress of all things "Pauper"
New Castle Players - Living Chess Match
New Castle Players - Populace of Covington Glenn
Oops! Knife Throwing (Paolo /Giacomo)
Paolo Garbanzo- Juggling
Queen's Knighting Ceremony
Robin Hood - Children show
The Roses - 16th century instrumental

New for 2013

Fairies of Covington Glen- Human Tales fairy tales from the fairies point of view.
New Castle Players -
Queen's comedy show
Rowan and the Rose
Toucan Dubh

Son of Sandlar Boots
New World Mugs and Wood

For more information see the TN links page

blackstone brewery




fairy boots

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