2017 Tennessee Renaissance Festival


Axel the Sot - Musical/Comedy Act
Buckle and Swash Show - Pirate sword show
The Da Vinci Brothers Comedy Operas
Empty Hats - Celtic music
Fairies of Covington Glen
The Freelancers - full Armored Jousters
Isaac Fawlkes - Magic and Comedy
Giacomo's Ballads

New Castle Players - Trial by Combat

New Castle Players - Populace of Covington Glenn
Oops! Knife Throwing (Paolo /Giacomo)
Paolo Garbanzo- Juggling
Queen's Knighting Ceremony
Robin Hood - Children show
Ramblin Rose -Demetrius of Empty Hats
Rafferty the Piper
The Roses - 16th century instrumental
Royal Improv Comedy
Secret Commonwealth site
Giacomo's Ballads

fairy boots with bells around ankle

2017 Themed Weekends

  • May 6-7: Opening Weekend Family Celebration and Community Apperciation, Mother's Day
    May 13-15: Artisan and Crafts Weekend
    May 20-21: Pirate Weekend
    May 27- 29: Celtic Weekend

more details

For more information see the TN links page

looney lucy of empty hats


A Temptation of Faeries
Aradani Studios
CopperSmith Studios
Ed Beard Jr.
Quilly Caricatures

booth attendant looking wistful in afternoon sun
queen elizabeth

For information on acts and vendors see the TN links page