2023 Tennessee Renaissance Festival
Portraits of the Festival
2023 Modifications
The Dragon Hachery booth.
Axel the Sot - Musical/Comedy Act
Bardbarians (site)
Buckle and Swash Show - Pirate sword show
Demetrius and Darin of Empty Hats
Dragon's Breath Glassworks
Empty Hats - Celtic music
Fae Folk
The Freelancers - full Armored Jousters
Lords of the Edge Fight Troupe
Knightwings - Birds of Prey
Isaac Fawlkes - Magic and Comedy
Giacomo's Ballads
Oops! Knife Throwing (Paolo /Giacomo)
Paolo Garbanzo- Juggling
Queen's Knighting Ceremony
Robin Hood - Children's show
Rafferty the Piper
Royal Improv Comedy
Secret Commonwealth
Tea with Lady Ettie (first three weekends only)
Tom Timon (sword swallower)
New for 2023!
Queen's Quest Scavenger Hunt
Fairy Training
Glass Blowing
Tom Timon
The Living Chess Game is back!
Schedule now posted on TNRenFest.com
2023 Themed Weekends
For more information see the TN links page
A Temptation of Faeries
Aradani Studios
Ed Beard Jr.
M Sotherden Art Glass
Nashville Picks
Son of Sandlar
Dragonfly's Realm games and dice
These are just some of the vendors, see more at The artisans page
For information on acts and vendors see the TN links page
Fairies on the wall.
Fae Folk Show: Troll Reading from a book.
Secret Commonwealth at the Hammerbeam Inn